Monthly Archives: January 2017

Prime Pantry

Have you heard of Amazon Prime Pantry?

You can shop online and have items sent to your door with free shipping. Everything from cleaning products, tooth paste and toilet paper to juice, crackers or coffee. The picture below is my first order for which I paid $37.15 with free shipping. After careful comparison of items I buy locally and some items I can’t find locally since moving, I found it very much a great deal. I chose the monthly payment option for Amazon Prime which is $10.99. (The single payment option is $99 year) If I make 2 orders a month I’m still saving money plus all the advantages of a Prime membership. And don’t forget the 30 day free trial!


Some of the items I buy often I can order in a larger size and some items like unsweetened applesauce I can’t ind locally are still a great price. And can’t forget the cookies!

To try Amazon Pantry Click Here and start Prime with a 30 day free trial

Check it out, you don’t need to join to look around